wanna taste?
You know why I ate cheese creepes this day?
when Obama won the election I need cheese so much!!
The creepes made me felt better for facing the defeated of Obama to Mccain. I'm not citizen of United States of America but not just me, many people around the world hope the best to this "World Police Country".
Obama won from the battleground state. It made him as a Elected President of USA.
As a supporter of John McCain from Republic ( www.johnmccain.com), I'm so dissapointed, but there is nothing to do. Obama has been elected by American.

McCain and Obama is the best, but I prefer to McCain because of his experience and his plans. Although he is the conservative and Obama is the liberal one, McCain have something that Obama dont have.
Obama got his doctor in Harvard school of Law, he is so smart, but I think he is not ready to lead a country as big as America. He's so young, I don't think that he would do omething better than McCain. His appearance as a President Candidate from Democrat when he defeated Hillary clinton made him so popular, his popularity added because he is the first an afro-american whois the candidate to be a president. He is so controversial. It makes him so popular, I'm afraid that He is not the best choice of American.
McCain is the patriotic one, we salute of you John McCain and thank you for your lifetime of service to our nation that has led you to this historic election. working together for America!
Last but not least, "Obama, You are the president now, I hope you can do your best as your promise to all american and to the world. although I'm not the citizen of your country, but I care to your "Super Power" country. I'm a supporter of John McCain, but you have elected and we should appreciate that, so I will support you. I, as Indonesian, proud of you, you have ever live in my country, hope you will take a look of it. thank you Obama..Change We Need"
only remember this :
..........In God we Trust..........
1 comment:
woot zackk..u sekarang su bisa basa ingris dengan lanacar ooo
b jdi iri eee
solanya b pu blog pake bhasa indonesia sa
coz b cinta indonesia nah
u su tambah pintar sekarng.
pasti berkat b pu didikan dulu sewaktu ktg ktg jalan2 dan menjadi warga negara Indonesia yang baik ( menyebrang di zebra cross,dll) ingat khan ???
okeh deh
b pu koment sonde talalu penting2 amat.. tapi b sennag u su mao omong tentang politik sekarang
mo jadi poli tikus ko ???
gud luck bro !!!
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