Wednesday, November 5, 2008

be a committe!!

LPBT 2009 Commit...

so fun, so happy, tire of course..

Today is first Big Meeting with all division. Excited although I'm new student in PCU. Senior students are so charm, kindful and "jayus".. wakakak..

By the way, our Our Leader is Ms Grace Swestin. the lecturer in our faculty, she is a young woman, so energic and funny! And smart.

This is my first time joined LPBT, and I'm so excited!

I hope can do the best, and work in teamwork!

I think that it would give me challenges and also the precious experiences.. Right?

I'm waiting for the time..

......I'm no experienced person....No Problem...........
......Coz I don't work just by myself......We Are The TeamWork.....

May God Bless Us...


LPBT 2009?

Waiting for Us!!

hehe.. :)

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